Monday, March 7, 2011

Reno- The Have To Check Out Spots

So I recently set out to truly discover all that the city has to offer. This is no slander to the Casino life in Reno, but if you want entertainment go to The Nugget mid-week. Recently I went on a Wednesday afternoon to get the full experience of what this place has to offer as a gaming venue. Do not expect the glitz and the glamour of Vegas, but rather the smell of ciggies, hospital and awesomeness. The people watching brings a whole other element, including the dealers. I sat down at the blackjack table where I was greeted by the dealer Ping, she truly was one for the books. We were joined by two of Sparks' (another city next to Reno) finest, who subsequently sat down and immediately demanded a White Russian at two in the afternoon, it was honestly one of those moments that I will never forget. My sister, brother-in-law and their friends come to visit often and frequent The Nugget and have nothing but amazing things to say. They gamble, drink and enjoy everything the Casino has to offer. According to many websites and locals, Restaurante Orozko is amazing and a place that is highly regarded locally. I truly recommend the experience, it is an amazing place and one that I am sure I will go to often.

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